DTC Force

SAVE $2500 on FREE Salesforce CRM Health Check

Make Data-Driven Sales Decisions with
An Optimized And Healthy Salesforce CRM

Benefits of Our FREE Salesforce Health Check

According to average Salesforce users, 20% data is no longer relevant, 90% of data is incomplete, 80% of data is not useful and 40% users are unable to use CRM data.

Data Integrity

Ensure data is clean, complete, consistent & reliable

Enhanced User Adoption

Tailored adoption strategies and expert training sessions.

Peak Productivity

CRM increases sales team efficiency & performance

Enhanced Security

Protect your leads and customers data.


Improve retention with insightful strategies.

Seamless Communication

Foster inter-departmental data harmony.

Precise Forecasting

Accurate sales projections and reports, every time.

Robust Sales Pipeline

More SQLs, better lead nurturing, and increased sales figures.

Swift Sales Cycles

Reduce long sales cycles

FREE Expert Insights

Blueprint action plan and prescriptions to overcome challenges

Elevate Your Sales with DTC Force’s Salesforce CRM Health Check

95% of our IT clients reported these improvements within the first two quarters after getting our FREE Salesforce CRM health check along with utilizing our paid solutions and expert recommendations .

user adoption

User Adoption By 40%

Sales Effenciency (1)

Sales Efficiency By 200%

Improve lead

Improved Leads By 20%

Group 35663 (1)

Increased Sales By 25%

Customer Support By 25%

Customer Retention By 30%

8 Signs Your Salesforce CRM Needs a Health Check

Diminishing User Adoption

Is your team hesitant or resistant to use the system? They might be encountering user-unfriendly features

Bad Data Quality

Outdated, duplicated, soiled, redundant, or incomplete data can clog your CRM's efficiency.

Unreliable Reports

Inconsistent sales forecasting and data reports? It's a red flag of Salesforce incompetency

Data Vulnerabilities

Concerns over data backup, import/export, storage, or overall security should never be overlooked.

Lacking Features

Missing functionalities and features can cripple your sales operations.

Complex Usage

If your system feels more like a puzzle than a tool, it's time to reassess.

Technical Issues

Technical issues can disrupt the seamless operation of your CRM, affecting user trust.

System Slowdown

Slow processing can hinder productivity, leading to missed opportunities.

Don’t let these symptoms fester; they can critically impact your sales department’s efficiency and productivity.

What’s included with our FREE Salesforce
health check report

Here’s what you’ll get when you book our FREE Salesforce CRM health check


Comprehensive Data Insights

Data Analysis

Our experts will perform data analysis and validation process

Cleanup Overview

Identify cluttered or redundant data affecting system efficiency.

Improvement Roadmap

Tailored recommendations to refine and optimize your data management.


Salesforce Workflow Insights

Workflow Analysis

An in-depth review of your Salesforce CRM  workflows to identify gaps.

Integration Points

Pinpoint key areas where integration can enhance system efficiency.

Custom Functionality Opportunities

Discover potential custom features to elevate your CRM experience.


Tailored Enhancements

Customization Scope

Highlight areas that could benefit from specific customization.

Expert Suggestions

Harness the knowledge of seasoned experts to streamline operations.

Recommendations & Prescriptions

Actionable steps to foster clean data, better workflows, automation, and user adoption.


Safety First

Security Health Review

Assess and ensure your Salesforce is fortified against potential threats.

Configuration Check

An overview to ensure your setup aligns with best practices.

Why choose us?

95% of Our Clients Reported increased Sales efficiency by upto 200%, Customer service by 25% and Customer retention by 30% within the first quarter after getting our FREE Salesforce CRM health check.

Voices of Success:
Hear From Some Of Our 300+ Satisfied Clients

Ready to Revolutionize your Sales Operations?

Let’s secure your valuable Salesforce investment and demonstrate how to unleash its full potential to maximize returns

Frequently Asked Questions

Salesforce CRM health check is a comprehensive analysis of your CRM system, designed to identify inefficiencies, redundancies, and other potential issues. For a sales department, it ensures that the CRM is functioning optimally, leading to more accurate sales forecasts, better lead management, and increased sales efficiency.

Bad data syndrome refers to the presence of outdated, duplicated, or incorrect data in the CRM, these issues can drastically reduce the sales department’s efficiency, leading to missed opportunities, inaccurate reports, and decreased revenue.

Low user adoption means that not many users are actively using or engaging with a new system or tool that’s been introduced.

  1. It ensures that the investment in Salesforce Sales Cloud is fully utilized.
  2. Accurate and complete data entry improves decision-making.
  3. Collaboration and productivity increase when everyone uses the platform.
  4. Processes and workflows function as intended.

DTC Force employs a combination of advanced tools, expertise, and customized strategies. We cleanse your CRM data, ensuring it’s accurate and relevant. Additionally, we provide tailored training and support to enhance user adoption, ensuring that your team fully leverages the CRM’s capabilities.

  1. Regularly clean and update data.
  2. Use validation rules to ensure data accuracy.
  3. Train users on proper data entry.
  4. Integrate with reliable data sources.
  5. Monitor and address duplicates.

A health check ensures that your CRM system is in its prime. This means accurate data, streamlined workflows, and optimized functionalities, all of which directly benefit the sales team by boosting productivity, shortening sales cycles, and improving lead conversion rates.

  • Accurate and complete data entry improves decision-making.
  • Collaboration and productivity increase when everyone uses the platform.
  • Customize Processes and workflows improves productivity, efficiency and growth

Not investing in a health check can lead to inefficiencies, data redundancies, missed sales opportunities, and a decrease in CRM ROI. For the sales team, this translates to longer sales cycles, decreased customer satisfaction, and reduced revenue.

Our track record speaks for itself! With successful Salesforce implementations in hundreds of companies and a high satisfaction rate among clients, DTC Force is the partner you need for CRM success. We’re not just consultants; we’re your Salesforce champions.

You can expect a detailed analysis of your Salesforce CRM current state, expert recommendations on improvements, and an action plan tailored to your business needs. Our health check aims to set your CRM and sales team on the path of maximized efficiency and success.

  1. To maximize the benefits of Salesforce CRM

    • Regularly train the team on its features and best practices.
    • Customize the platform to fit the team’s specific needs.
    • Use analytics and reports to drive sales decisions.
    • Integrate with other tools to enhance functionality.
    • Encourage feedback and make necessary adjustments based on user input.

Don't miss out on this

Learn how we saved $90k of salesforce investment of an IT services client.